Please Design a House – WAIT!

In yesterday’s post, I showed you some assessments. I assume your first question is, “Well, which assessment should I use?” It depends on your goal. Not to get too philosophical, but many things in life depend on your goal. Entire interpretations of situations can vary depending on your goal. Here’s a mini-story that I really like.

There is supposedly a trick question that comes up again and again during Microsoft interviews: “If you had to design a house, what would it look like? Please use the whiteboard.” The person who moves straight to the whiteboard and draws a rectangle and continues drawing detailed designs is a goner. Why? Because after he finishes the house, the interviewer says, “Oh, I didn’t tell you? It’s for a family of twelve 48-foot-tall giraffes.”

So, it depends on your goal.

BTW, this mini-story is quite a bit briefer than usual stories on Tuesdays, so enjoy the respite. :)

One thought on “Please Design a House – WAIT!

  1. 6 am. Ouch! What was YOUR goal today??
    Yep, most things we do in life (should) depend on your goal.

    I’m not aiming to father a family of 12 48-foot-tall giraffes, so my goals in life I suppose are not all that lofty….

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