Rabbit, Rabbit June

The big thing about a new month is that things seem doable – the possibilities seem endless… how can we hold onto this kind of feeling throughout the month?!

How can we increase our challenges regularly during the month?

* One way is to have a system, a graph, or a method to map your monthly challenges. Jeff talks about that briefly here.

* Another way to increase challenge is to plan your future out before it happens. When I have a client meeting the next day, I already plan what we will discuss, and suggestions for the client for homework – I come in with a Word document outline. And I don’t mind if it changes during the session, but there are things that are the increased trajectory of the client’s path, and I want to respect that in planning for the session rather than just have us both talk about what is top of mind that morning. As Jon Bon Jovi is said to have said, “Write your future, but do it in pencil.” I like that. Map it out – plan it – be bold – be specific. But be open to change.

* Another way is to have a buddy system or a reminder system. My friend D is very big on this, and she makes the other person work harder because of it. It’s empowering and encouraging.

Do you have other ways to increase your challenge during the month?

4 thoughts on “Rabbit, Rabbit June

  1. Well, let’s see…

    Taking on big projects, even bigger than you think you’re capable, is one way I do it.

    Another way is to have people around me that are achievers and active. It give me an example on how to act, like giving me a measuring stick against which I can measure myself. It also keeps people around me that have done big things in the past and can therefore give good advice.

    Those are things I do to keep my level of challenge in the long-term.

    In the short-term… hmmm… I dunno. Those strategies above I think can really work – at least for me. I think what I do (and can do) in the short term is to take care of myself mentally and physically (such as enough sleep, eating well, exercise) so I CAN perform at those higher challenges.

  2. Buddying up is great because of accountability. My friend Arvind (arvinddevalia.com) and I hold each other accountable for our monthly goals and usually have a forfeit if not achieved.

    Great way to push your boundaries further

    – Kavit

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