Twitter coverage of the CGU Positive Psychology Conference

The topmost lines are the end of the conference.
For the start of the day, start at the bottom. This was all from

End of conference! What we ask questions about, what we focus on is what we change, say closing panelists! 9:35 PM Jan 24th from txt

Csikszentmihalyi says, here is the eightfold path, three of which seemed to have disappeared. Ah, the fun of ppt fonts! 9:12 PM Jan 24th from txt

Yes! Freedom causes happiness. For proof, follow my dad, @publicani. He writes novels like the John Grisham of freedom. 8:58 PM Jan 24th from txt

Csikszentmihalyi speaks of each age making us more liberated… Yes! 8:56 PM Jan 24th from txt

For Nadya and @eve11, Csikszentmihalyi says myths and rituals liberated us in 10000 bc from the terror of death. 8:54 PM Jan 24th from txt

Csikszentmihalyi speaking! He got HUGE applause! We all love him. Plus we’re all psyched he won Clifton prize! 8:52 PM Jan 24th from txt

David Cooperrider: they don’t even have a room at the UN for talking together in groups. 8:51 PM Jan 24th from txt

Do you remember a question that someone asked you recently that changed how you do something? That changed you? 8:47 PM Jan 24th from txt

Maybe it’s because Cooperrider talks about questions, and I believe questions can change people. 8:46 PM Jan 24th from txt

Cooperrider describes “changing the whole system”…. “Asking questions.” 8:38 PM Jan 24th from txt

What does it mean when you get nervous when someone speaks? Means you love the topic or you don’t? 8:37 PM Jan 24th from txt

Fun to see famous people here: book authors, actress, people quoted in nyt all the time. 8:36 PM Jan 24th from txt

Kim Cameron: three areas of study in POS: positive deviations, virtuosity, and… What’s the third? 7:43 PM Jan 24th from txt

Dutton: COP Community Outreach Programs. Dupont, target, disney, starbucks. Do comm svc locally. Good because of downward social comma … 6:58 PM Jan 24th from txt

pany more after they did this! 6:56 PM Jan 24th from txt

Having contact with people you help increases your fundraising at phone-a-thon by 142 pct! 6:56 PM Jan 24th from txt

Dutton: ESP. Employee Support Practices. Davita, southwest, domino’s. Giving $1 each week made people love their companies more. (Gr … 6:56 PM Jan 24th from txt

not have contacts with people they have saved. 6:55 PM Jan 24th from txt

Dutton: Adam Grant UNC. Beneficiary contact practices. Fundraisers at calling centers have contact with scholarship participants. Life … 6:55 PM Jan 24th from txt

Jane Dutton!!! Orgs can help people flourish thru org culture, org networks, and org practices. 6:42 PM Jan 24th from txt

Professors pass on academic memes to their grad students! Study by Jeanne Nakamura and colleagues. 6:32 PM Jan 24th from txt

Knoop – like Bandura – thinks best way to change attitudes is TV show about new message. 2 danish programs: plan b and ‘school’ 33 pct … 5:56 PM Jan 24th from txt

Picture of chaos that makes us completely calm: #pos-psych (I like this idea from Hans Henrik Knoop) 5:41 PM Jan 24th from web

Knoop: Strengths -> Institutions -> Happiness -> Success (all connect to all others, arrows go every way) 5:39 PM Jan 24th from web

Hans Henrik Knoop: #pos-psych framework: Institutions -> Indiv strengths -> Happiness -> Good chances of success -> institutions, etc. 5:39 PM Jan 24th from web

Hans Henrik Knoop: architecture (and education) is designed to be organized and draw you in #pos-psych 5:32 PM Jan 24th from Adjix

Hans Henrik Knoop speaks now: here is a picture of chaos that makes us totally calm: #pos-psych 5:31 PM Jan 24th from web

Shelley Taylor just spoke about psychosocial resources: 1) we can build them, 2) we can reduce stress and make social environments good 5:29 PM Jan 24th from web

Back to #pos-psych and tweeting this conference: 5:28 PM Jan 24th from web

#Qofday Interesting research about happiness? RT @rippelhans affective forecasting by Daniel Gilbert and the many implications of it. 5:27 PM Jan 24th from web

Lunch break. Back in 1 hr 4:01 PM Jan 24th from txt

Mike Csikszentmihalyi: “What’s next frontier?” Diener: is there optimal level of well-being? when pos, when neg emotions? 3:28 PM Jan 24th from web

Mike Csikszentmihalyi: “What’s next frontier?” Fredrickson: How positive emotions change vital human systems (like Shelley Taylor) 3:26 PM Jan 24th from web

Mike Csikszentmihalyi: “What’s next frontier?” Peterson: Future is this afternoon, how we socialize. Also, LONGEVITY. 3:26 PM Jan 24th from web

@ripplehans #Qofday: “What is your favorite research finding on happiness?” in general, not nec from conference. 3:24 PM Jan 24th from web

Peterson: we have to respect people; you can’t force this change. they have to want to do it. 3:22 PM Jan 24th from web

Audience Q: “When you lead a horse to water, how do you get him to drink?” Fredrickson: Find the approach that works for you. 3:21 PM Jan 24th from web

CGU panel 1 – This is the first panel of strength, positive emotions, and world happiness data (Chris Peterson, Barb Fredri … 3:17 PM Jan 24th from TwitPic

“Positive emotions… world data… That ain’t pop; that’s science,” says Peterson. 3:15 PM Jan 24th from web

“Positive psychology is old wine in new bottles”? Some say this. Peterson says this is wrong! 3:14 PM Jan 24th from web

So…. :) back to our #Qofday: “What is your favorite research finding on happiness?” #happiness #question (answers yet?) 3:02 PM Jan 24th from web

Higher among trauma survivors? spirituality, gratitude, kindness, hope, bravery #pos-psych 3:00 PM Jan 24th from web

Most related to work satisfaction: zest, hope 2:58 PM Jan 24th from web

What are the character strengths most related to life satisfaction? Love, Hope, Zest, Curiosity, Gratitude 2:53 PM Jan 24th from web

Are heart strengths missing in CITIES? Modesty (65% correl), Gratitude (59%), Spirituality (63%), Teamwork (57%), Perseverance (52%) 2:44 PM Jan 24th from web

What strengths in CITIES? Curiosity (43% correl), Love of learning (36%), Appreciating beauty (33%), Creativity (29%) 2:42 PM Jan 24th from web

Nansook Park: those least found in kids require thinking (open-mindedness, forgiveness, modesty, gratitiude, honesty (haha!) ) 2:42 PM Jan 24th from web

Park/Peterson: authenticity, open-mindedness, appreciation of beauty more common in adults than kids 2:39 PM Jan 24th from web

Park/Peterson: zest, hope, teamwork more common in kid than adults 2:39 PM Jan 24th from web

Peterson/Park least common strengths: self-regulation (#1 bottom), modesty, prudence, zest, spirituality, persistence 2:38 PM Jan 24th from web

Park/Peterson: most common character strengths: kindness, fairness, authenticity, gratitude, open-mindedness, love, humor, curiosity 2:37 PM Jan 24th from web


“Honey, wait, I can explain” Chris Peterson about this pic! 2:30 PM Jan 24th from web

Chris Peterson: “The DSM is how to have your lover leave you. The VIA is how to not have that happen.” :) 2:28 PM Jan 24th from web

Peterson/Park: now, a circle of positive psychology. character in the middle; in the color wheel: relationships, experiences, institutions 2:26 PM Jan 24th from web

Peterson/Park: formerly, 4 pillars of pos psych: experiences, traits, relationships, institutions. 2:24 PM Jan 24th from web

Fredrickson: people need negativity. Sailboat sail is about 3 times length of keel. You need 3 times more positive than negative. 1:42 PM Jan 24th from web

Fredrickson: People improve at extracting ‘joy-juice’ from meditation. In 7 wks, 3 times happier from same length meditating. 1:39 PM Jan 24th from web

Fredrickson’s happiness metaphors: 1) the Losada BUTTERFLY, 2) the SAILBOAT for PNR, 3) “moving a RIVER” easier than moving a mountain 1:35 PM Jan 24th from web

@paulgram On love, Barb Fredrickson now at conference says “loving-kindness meditation explicitly targets positivity.” 1:34 PM Jan 24th from web

Related to Fredrickson: RT @idealawg @Gary_Dashney: Leonardo DiCaprio Demonstrates Brain Plasticity 1:29 PM Jan 24th from web

Fredrickson: “every 3 months you get a whole new you [on cellular level]. We can’t teach an old cell new tricks” but can teach new cells! 1:29 PM Jan 24th from web

Senia conclusion: every thing you do every day makes your brain change. 1:28 PM Jan 24th from web

Fredrickson: broaden, undo, build. “certain people use undo effect naturally…resilient people.” they use positive emotions to bounce back. 1:27 PM Jan 24th from web

Barb Fredrickson now: “It’s the way we humans were designed: positivity fades.” #happiness 1:16 PM Jan 24th from web

@BarbaraUechi great answer to #Qofday, and great article about the “contagious happiness” article of the past month! 1:09 PM Jan 24th from web

happy->healthy: stronger immune system, better cardio health, more good behaviors (seatbelts), fewer life diseases (alcoholism) 12:57 PM Jan 24th from web

Diener: Why are happier people healthier? 12:56 PM Jan 24th from web

#Qofday: OBVIOUSLY, the question of the day is “What is your favorite research finding on happiness? #happiness #question 12:53 PM Jan 24th from web

Diener asked Dalai Lama:”Is there such a thing as bad happiness?” Dalai Lama:”Yes, stupid happiness… if bear chases you and you’re happy.” 12:50 PM Jan 24th from web

Ed Diener on benefits of “green space”: helps cognitive functioning, increases life satisfaction (happiness), decreases stress 12:39 PM Jan 24th from web

Mike Csikszenmihalyi fun recollection of start of positive psychology at Akumal: “our flip flops and swimming trunks” conference 12:30 PM Jan 24th from web

HEY! Breaking news: pre-announced Gallup’s famous $250k Clifton Strengths Prize: this year’s winner: MIKE CSIKSZENTMIHALYI. (press on Mon). 12:29 PM Jan 24th from web

Seligman now: What 4 new areas are exciting now? Pos health, pos neuroscience, pos social science, pos education. 12:21 PM Jan 24th from txt

Donaldson (Dean of CGU): “Drucker has top business book of all time, and the #1 idea in his book is FLOW (go, Mike Csikszentmihalyi!)” 12:12 PM Jan 24th from web

Pos Psych Conf: You can get it today online LIVE for $26: 12:10 PM Jan 24th from web

Tweeting from Positive Psychology Conf: “the value of an idea [can only be known] experimentally…in the course of actual inquiries.” 12:09 PM Jan 24th from Adjix

Going to tweet about the all-star positive psychology conference tomorrow Sat – newest tips on happiness! Yay! 4:16 AM Jan 24th from txt

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