Blog Format

Hi, welcome to Postive Psychology Coaching. I am an executive coach, working primaily with small business owners, entrepreneurs, and people changing careers. The style I use is positive psychology coaching – lots of assessments, exercises, techniques – very interactive. Positive Psychology is the study of what makes people happier, more productive, and more successful. It is a branch of psychology, and was launched in 1998, which makes it younger than the Internet!

This site plays with ideas in Happiness, Positive Psychology, Coaching, Success, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business, Stories, Intuition, and the Brain. Here’s my bio.

The blog format: (Although there will surely be deviations!)
Monday – Positive Psychology or Psychology (also: the Brain, Intuition)
Tuesday – A Short Story, either Fiction or Non
Wednesday – Random (Business, Local, Web, News, Self-Test, Book Review, etc.)
Thursday – Observation or Quote
Friday – A Question

8 thoughts on “Blog Format

  1. Hi Chris, Really appreciate it! I’ve checked out your site too! You’ve done and are doing a ton with your life – I love to see that! S.

  2. Hi senia, usually I preferred, not to blog or give comments a lot, but having being directed to your site through browsing in David Seah’s site, I was on a road to revival.
    I find that with your posts, senia, you have done a great effort in sharing pearls of wisdom that have sincerely touched you too. Take care,

  3. I love your site. Cool topics that makes one step-back and question…

    Had a quick question for you.
    I have been reading at one of those “only positive news” websites.. and honestly, after some time it gets a bit boring :(

    Do we all inherently prefer to know about violence/destruction, sadness to peace and happiness?

  4. I somewhat agree with you, CNVSN. Not so much that it gets boring, but that it just doesn’t get exciting to begin with.

    I do like the sites because I can always get a good dose there! But sometimes without controversy, they just don’t energize me as well. This is an interesting topic. Here is a related article. And I’ll likely be exploring this more in the future. Thanks, CNVSN!

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