9 thoughts on “QUESTION FRIDAY! What are you very happy about today?

  1. * Music – will hear a friend sing tonight
    * The Weather – it is great and it’ll be great
    * Friends and Fam – yeah!
    * Good books – The Zebra book (why zebras don’t get ulcers) and the LeDoux emotions book


  2. This comment comes late, because I was too busy being very happy about a day off on Friday. That, and a long run in perfect weather in the national arboretum. The intentional exhaustion, muscled tired, poisons sweated out, stale oxygen in the bottom of the lungs replaced with the closest the city has for fresh air. Stealing time from late fall and work and the long queue of should-do.

  3. Hi Scott, Hi grimo1re!
    Scott, superrrrrrrrrrrrrrr about the day off… yes, the fall leaves really are a strong influence on most of us who answered above!
    Grim, also the leaves! And I like your meta-thanks. :)

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