How to Get Salespeople to Change

I’ve recently been researching how to get salespeople to change what they’re doing, and here are some resources you may like.

My favorite tip of these below is to reward the questions the salespeople are asking.

Interesting articles:

Hear Ye, Hear Ye … What is the Most Important Jewish Holiday?

  • It’s not Hannukah…
  • Some say it’s each Friday night….
  • I think it’s the one time each year when we can think about the freedom of all people.

As Publicani says:
* If one person is not free, then none of us are free
* May the great shofar of freedom sound for you and all peoples

What if we count down the 30 days to the holiday of freedom this year, to Passover, the day when the Jewish people celebrate freedom for all people?

Questions about Habits

Some questions I will be asking on “Live! With Lisa Radio”:

  1. Once I have a goal, I can usually plan how to reach it
  2. I have personal standards, and try to live up to them
  3. I can usually find several different possibilities when I want to change something
  4. I have trouble making plans to help me reach goals
  5. I have so many plans that it’s hard for me to focus on any one of them
  6. It’s hard for me to notice when I’ve had enough (alcohol, food, sweets)

1 point each for numbers 1-3. -1 point for numbers 4-6.

These are from a self-regulation questionnaire. Source: A psychometric analysis of the self-regulation questionnaire
Kate B. Carey*, Dan J. Neal, Susan E. Collins. Addictive Behaviors 29 (2004) 253 – 260.

I’m in Business Week’s SmallBiz this month!

Business Week

Here’s the story online:

If you want to leave comments at the article, please feel free to. Would love to see them.

IF YOU ARE NEW TO MY WEBSITE and are coming over from Business Week, Welcome!

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  • Looking to learn more about how positive psychology can boost your business and your life? – I’m the Editor-in-Chief of this site with over 30 wonderful authors and daily updates in three languages. (To get free daily news about positive psychology in your email in-box, click here).
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An excerpt:

Once an entrepreneur knows his or her strengths, it’s time to put them to use. That’s what Melanie Morlan, owner of, a wellness and athletic training company in Spokane, Wash., needed to do. She spent a decade working with the U.S. Olympic Committee and professional cyclists, including Lance Armstrong, before taking time out to raise her son.

She wanted to reenter the workforce by building a larger consulting practice than she’d once had, offering nutrition counseling, coaching in weight loss and stress reduction, and building a Web site and blog. But she couldn’t get started. “I’d get scared and set up roadblocks,” she says, telling herself she’d never succeed and ignoring her to-do list. She eventually called on Senia Maymin, a coach and, like Pollay, a graduate of Seligman’s program. Maymin [Editor-in-Chief at] also holds an MBA from Stanford University, and she knows family business and entrepreneurship firsthand, having worked alongside her father and brother at their hedge fund and co-founding three tech startups. Maymin helped Morlan exploit her strengths, of which creativity is first. So if Morlan lost a valuable client or made a bad decision, instead of spending the afternoon moping, she would turn to designing and building her Web site. “Creativity stimulates me,” she says.

Coach Maymin delves into this with her clients, many of whom seek her out when they are between ventures. She says that to be able to get routinely into the mental state that Mihály Csíkszentmihályi (pronounced “cheeks sent me high”), another founder of positive psychology, calls “flow”—complete absorption in a task—entrepreneurs must craft a workload that’s challenging but not too tough. Its demands should fully use an entrepreneur’s abilities, the same way endurance athletes train just at their physical limit. “In the athletic domain, everyone can see it,” she says. Psychologically, too, “self-regulation is a muscle you can train over time.” She assigns her clients a small, daily exercise challenge each week, based on research that says if you accustom your body to pushing just past its comfort zone toward ever-retreating goals, “you can do the exact same thing in your company”—push past your comfort zone and achieve goals once thought to be out of reach.

Senia’s twitter profile for updates on happiness, jobs, and entrepreneurship.

Teaching Social Media in a Business School

Hi folks,

I have a friend who will be teaching a day on social media in a business school. What references should I point my friend to? (Good ideas are about the power of social media, best ways to use it, great case examples). THANKS! Would love all suggestions, seriously!

Here are some I already recommend:





Updated (2-16-09 10pm ET):
I asked for more advice on twitter, and here are some case studies of social media:

Three Unrelated Thoughts

  • Conan O’Brien takes on Boron, the fifth element:
  • If you’re a girl wearing a red shirt in your profile, guys will choose you more often. (NYT)
  • I figured out a really good metaphor for writing academic papers: it’s the same as writing a patent. It has a specific format, you have to organize the needed information, and the goal is to make the steps the experimenter took transparent and replicable. Nice. That makes it all make sense.